Accountability Round Table (ART) Process

Process Description

  • Every Accountability Round Table (ART) group will have a Global Strong certified facilitator and consist of a maximum of 10 people.

  • The facilitator will decide with the group how long the sessions will be (min 1 hour to a max of 2 hours) and also decide if you meet weekly or bi-weekly.

  • The facilitator will make a chat for the group inside of Global Strong Telegram and invite all the members in the group.

  • The meetings will be held via Zoom.

  • The Global Strong ART format is G-P-D-C-A (Goal, Plan, Do, Check, Adjust)

  • 1. Each person will state what their GOAL is when they are in the spotlight, with as much passion emotion as possible. Each person will need to be specific, measurable and crystal clear what the GOAL is.

  • 2. Each person will describe what their PLAN is to reach that GOAL.

  • 3. Each person will describe their DOING Actions that will cause them to move closer to their GOAL.

  • 4. Each person will give a CHECK-in status on how they made out with the DOING actions from the previous week and state if they moved closer to their GOAL. What is your score card.

  • 5. The ART group will then give suggestions if the person in the spotlight did not get closer to their GOAL or if the person is stuck and needs some help. The person in the spot light will not have any dialogue only takes notes unless someone needs some clarification.

  • 6. Each person in the round table will check in with an accountability partner for the daily check-in for the one thing that they will complete for the day. This will be done from Monday to Friday and will be sent either by a email, text or a quick 5 minute phone call.

  • Appreciation Circle will be held during the last ART schedule meeting of each month.

  • This portion of the meeting will be recorded and attached to the monthly facilitator report.

  • During the Appreciation Circle each person in the round table will take turns being in the spotlight.

  • Each member will share one or two heart felt things that they really admire or appreciate about the person in the spotlight.


What Our ART Members Say

"I love the Global Strong Accountability Round Table system because I am able to execute a step by step plan to see my long term goals come to fruition while meeting with my team who cheer me on and holds me accountable.."

~~ Amanda Johnson

As a solopreneur, it was a struggle to find others who could relate to me and my business. But joining an Accountability Round Table group through Global Strong has changed all that for the better. Now I have accountability partners who support me in keeping on track with my goals. We share resources, celebrate our victories, and help each other through tough times. I couldn't be more grateful!

~~ Sue Paulson, Best-selling author/speaker

I have been with Pamela for a few years as the leader of my ART. Thanks to her amazing guidance, where she gently yet challengingly guides you to discover your why. Thanks to her helping me drill down to my real why has allowed me to create a goal plan to work towards my ultimate why goal. Each week although we all pick our own goal for the week, we are reminded that it is a step towards our bigger goal. She asks too what went right, what needs to be changed, how can I help you. This allows me to really think about what I am doing because sometimes we are too close to what we are doing that we don’t always see the whole picture. Thanks to Pamela I have achieved so many goals that I thought I would never be able to accomplish before. Our whole ART has made gigantic strides in our lives and allowed us to be able to help others too. I am beyond blessed I feel by Pamela and our group that she has created.

~~ Angi Colwell